hotel sales中文什么意思

发音:   用"hotel sales"造句
  • hotel:    n. 〔法语〕官邸;(富人或显要人士 ...
  • sale:    n. 1.卖,出卖,出售。 2.拍卖 ...
  • hotel - sales manager:    现有销售经理
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  1. Assists the hotel sales outlet and the banquet department western - style food promotion
  2. All group inquiries ( 10 rooms or above ) should be directed to the hotel sales and marketing department with detailed information
  3. At least 2 years of 4 star hotel sales working experience , good at communication with individual guest . strong at team work ability
    2年以上4 , 5星级酒店销售工作经验,良好的沟通能力,独立的客户开发能力,组织能力
  4. For example : the hotel sales department manager sells a local businessman a meeting room for a meeting and arranges for lunch in the meeting hall
  5. " out of these people , foreigners make up 30 to 40 per cent , including people calling from the united states and europe , " a hotel sales manager surnamed song said
    这些预定者有30 - 40 %是外国人,其中有些来自美国和欧洲。国内的预订者主要来自南方的广东和福建。


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